Speaking in Texas, the other 49 States, Internationally, and Even Outer Space (Okay, Maybe Not Yet, But We’re Working on It!)

Speaking inside of Texas

This is the easiest way to get Doug to speak. Have your company or event somewhere inside of Texas.

Speaking Outside of Texas

Doug does like to Travel. There is a demand that the location be near some type of Texas Style BBQ.

Get to know Doug before booking

Doug is smart and funny. So get to know him before booking him via his socials, podcasts, or just set up a chat with him

The Most Important Story You will Ever Tell | Doug Thompson | TEDxBlinnCollege

View the entire Talk

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    Ever Wonder What Squirrels Are Texting About? 🐿️📱

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You can see that Doug can talk about a variety of topics and keep the audience engaged. Check out the Podcast Playlist

International Best Seller

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Doug was honored to contribute to Rattled Awake